Friday, June 17, 2011

Tuacahn Date Night

So one of the new perks of working at the hotel is FREE tickets to Tuacahn! I was so excited when I was told that but tried not to act too excited, but hey, I love getting stuff for free, who doesn't. We grabbed some Panda Express on the way out and sat and eat in the parking lot before we went in. We got out tickets from the will call window and found out way to our seats.

The play started at 8:45 so it was a little warm for the first bit. After the sun went down, it was perfect! We sat in the upper corner, but the actors were on the stage, on the ship and in the castle so we could see everything just fine. Right before the show started, Caleb leaned over and said "I wonder how they are going to 'swim' around?" The first scene with the musical celebration of King Tritan, all the girls come out in those wheely shoes with they're mermaid tails straight behind them. Now I'm not a musical/play person, but I admit that they did an amazing job with everything. Caleb liked Sebastian the best because he had a Jamaican accent.

It was so nice to have our little date night and for free :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ultrasound #2... It looks like a baby now!

Our 2nd ultrasound was Friday. I was so excited! I was sure what was going to happen, but I knew I was going to see an actual baby this time instead of a gummy bear. As soon as Bobbi, the ultrasound tech, put the handle thingy on my stomach we saw the baby bouncing up and down like a jelly bean! I turned to Caleb and said, yup the baby has your personality! It was just so cute I couldn't believe it. There were no signs of boy or girl yet, so we'll see in another 4 weeks.   

Saturday, June 4, 2011

12 Weeks

Well I can surely say that the St. George summer is here. Turn up the AC please! Although I have a love hate relationship with all the air conditioned building here because you walk in from 100 + degree weather into an ice box it feels like so I end up taking a jacket with me when the temperature never drops below 80, crazy I know.

Since school ended, we have been just working and relaxing. Caleb has been doing great with his summer sales with Living Scriptures, and I had only been getting about 5 to 10 hours a week at the Polo Outlet Store. So I started looking for a job, again.  I got a job at the Crystal Inn here in town doing front desk work (something that I have been looking for for a long long time). It's so ironic too because as I was filling out their ridiculously long application online, I found myself thinking 'why am I even wasting an hour on this stupid application, everyone knows that online applications go to some headquarter out of town and you never get a call for the job.' Needless to say, the Lord has a sense of humor and plenty of blessing to give.

As far as the baby goes, I doing great compared to some of the stories I hear. I have been able to keep every single meal down and only experience nausea when my stomach is empty or I've eaten too much. Just lately, Caleb hates taken me out to each because I say that I'm starving then only eat about a third of my meal, but then I'm hungry again in a few hours. Eating has become a dang chore! I whine a lot because of this hoping that Caleb will make me something... but I think you can imagine the response I get :)

Next week we have another appointment and will be able to see the baby a little bit more clearly instead of the gummy bear picture we got last time. I'm not sure what exactly goes on at this one so I will just wait and see. In 5 weeks is when we find out the sex I'm pretty sure. I just had another dream a few nights ago, a more vivid one this time, that it was a boy. Somehow in my dream, I didn't know what I had a few hours after giving birth, so she had to tell me. Weird I know. We do have a boy's name picked out if that's what it happens to be. Caleb's sweet grandpa Britt passed away a year and a have ago now, and how he adored him. He mentioned it to his mom and she said would be honored! So we've had that name picked out for awhile. Then while we were driving one time talking about it, I remembered my mom wanting to name one of my little brothers Perry after her maiden name. Caleb didn't like it as a first name, but I said well maybe as a middle name. As soon as heard myself say Britt Perry aloud, I fell in LOVE.

As for a girls name, well nothing like the sentimental name that we have for a boy. I like Clara or Clair and I'm pretty sure a Grace or Gracie will make it in there somewhere :).

My belly is growing, I can tell when some days it's hard to button my pants and I have to use a rubber band! I feel like it's different every day due to bloating and depending how much I eat. I sure hope that's normal to fit into your jeans one day and not the next and back again. That's one question I will ask the doc. Other than the normal tiredness and finding a comfortable position to sleep in that's been going on for that past month or so, that's all that's new. We are loving life!