Saturday, July 16, 2011

18 weeks

First belly picture!! It was a quick shot before church, but it captures the growing little one. I bought a few new shirts which are so much more comfortable than my other ones. Caleb calls it my beer belly! While I don't enjoy the name as much, we both like to see that our baby girl is growing and is healthy.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is it a BOY or a GIRL????

July 12th was my 17th week check up at the doctor, the check up we got to find out what we were having. I think I was ready by 8:00am that morning and the appointment wasn't until 9:20. Although we both had a feeling that it was going to be a boy, we couldn't wait.

We sat down in the ultrasound room, like little kids on Christmas morning. Except this present is soooo much more exciting. Caleb could barely sit still. I was trying really hard not to move so Bobbie, the ultrasound tech, could do her thing. She poured that nasty jelly and then there was baby was on the big screen on the other wall. The first thing I saw were two little legs and a bum. Oh good, I thought, it's going to be crystal clear. And this is what we see...

Yeah, not crystal clear. But Bobbie says it's a GIRL!! I'm still afraid a little wee is going to pop up next time so we'll see. I am excited though because she will be the first granddaughter on my Mom's side. I've already bought a few nightgowns and some cute outfits.

We were taken in the another room to wait for a doctor. Caleb is still in shock but then he gets on his phone to call his parents. The first thing I think of is that neither of us can agree on a girl's name. Only time will tell and I'm sure we will come up with something.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July

We both agreed that we needed a break from the St. George heat and work, so we decided to take a vacation to go see the family in good old Idaho. Every summer the Hargraves family have their little reunion that includes Caleb's grandpa's siblings and they're families.

Caleb's mom was in Lehi with his sister Linzy so we stayed with her Friday night to stay and visit with them. While we were packing, I was so worried what Caleb had packed that I completely forgot to pack my garments. Luckily Linzy had some that she had never worn that would suffice for the night and I could get some in Pocatello the next day. We spent the afternoon at Ross Park visiting with family, well I did, all the little kidos wouldn't leave Caleb alone. At least they can keep him busy and wear him out. That night we made our way the Menan to spend the night with Caleb's grandma. 

Sunday the whole gang went to church with Grandma Liz. We took up 2 benches and there were kids every where. Caleb was able to ordain his cousin from Boise to a teacher that day too. Boy, was he nervous. He read the proper wording over and over and over, but when it came down to it he sounded like he'd done it a hundred times. Gotta love those sweet moments in life. Then it was time for food! Being a fast Sunday, everyone ate like wolves when we got back to the house. 

Monday the 4th, we slept in late and let the rest of the family go eat at the park breakfast. Once we were showered and all I made our own pancake breakfast, which was just a good if you ask me. We walked over to the park to enjoy the rest of the day. We met up with the rest of the family and made our way through the crowd to look at all the booths. I found the Navajo taco stand and I knew that's what I wanted for lunch. We all grabbed what we wanted and sat in the middle of the park to listen to Grandma Liz sing with her barber shop group. They were so cute and Grandma Liz was getting into it, Caleb couldn't help but teasing her a little after they were done. We walked back to the house to grab a drink then sit out by the road for the parade. Caleb's mom, Carol, and Linzy carried a big umbrella over from the house. It was so nice to sit in the shade during the parade! Why didn't I ever think of that? All the grown ups were just as excited about the candy as the kids were and picked out some favorites and put the rest in the kids bags. Some things we never out grow.

We packed up and headed to Salt Lake to stay with Aunt Taya to watch the firework and also to break up the trip a bit. We watched the Sugarhouse Park firework and the day was finally over. We were both exhausted but so glad we got to spend the weekend with our family!